Practical organization


ADEL FORMATION offers made-to-measure solutions within your company, adapted to your needs and constraints.

Our catalog, available online, comprises several frequently requested common trainings, dealing with the principal technical aspects of international trade, and can be used as a point of reference in determining your specific needs.

In all cases, our trainings will correspond to your needs and tackle the issues your company faces day by day in its activities.

Training sessions generally gather a maximum of a dozen people for reasons of efficiency.

ADEL FORMATION proposes a clear and competitive price scale:

We pride ourselves in offering services that are tailored to your needs in terms of budget. Our price scale is entirely independent of the number of participants and is based solely on the number of days required for the training, with possible preparation and transportation fees necessary to the consultant.

Compared to traditional inter-company trainings, our in-house interventions amount to a lesser charge for your company as soon as the number of participants to those company-restricted sessions reaches at least 3 or 4 employees, depending on the field of intervention.

Training fees can eventually be OPCA-funded in your sector of activity.

David ROMERA (Admin)Practical organization